Description of the Heynemo Associates Program
The Heynemo Associates Program permits you to monetize your website, social media user-generated content, or online software application (referred to here as your “Site"), by placing on your Site links to a Heynemo Product in Items & Commission. We will provide the Special “tagged" Link formats or exclusive discount codes for you.
When our customers click through the Special Links or use the exclusive discount to purchase an item sold on the Heynemo Site, you can receive commission income for qualifying purchases, as further described in Items & Commission
Commission receiving
We will calculate the Qualifying orderby Wednesday, and send it to you with commission details, order information, link data, and discount code usage data for your confirmation. We will transfer the commission within 2 work days after getting your confirmation.
Qualifying order is defined as a customer’s purchase of a product via the Special Link or using the exclusive code. Any Qualified order canceled or returned by the customer within 7 days will no longer constitute a Qualified order.
There is a wait time (7 days after the customer receive all the product) before the order is counted to the Qualifying order to accommodate order cancellation and customer returns. For example, if an order occurred on 1/1 Saturday, and the customer receives the order on 1/3 Monday, then, the order will be counted as the Qualifying order on 1/10 Monday, and the commission will be credited to the Associate’s account on 1/12 Wednesday.
The payment should be made within 2 work days after getting the Associate’s confirmation. The Associate will be liable for paying appropriate taxes and Transactions fee.
Heynemo Associates Program Compliance Requirements
You must comply with this Agreement to participate in the Heynemo Associates Program and receive commission income.
You must promptly provide us with the true and accurate identification information that we request above to verify your compliance with this Agreement.
If you violate this Agreement, then, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to us, we reserve the right to permanently (to the extent permitted by applicable law) cease payment of (and you agree you will not be eligible to receive) any and all commission income otherwise payable to you under this Agreement, whether or not directly related to such violation without notice and without prejudice to any right of Heynemo to recover damages in excess of this amount.